Psilomethoxin, My Case Report (Addendum #2)

Psilomethoxin, My Case Report (Addendum #2)

October 9, 2023
psychedelics, science

Purely based on subjective experience, I estimate the pharmacodynamics as:

pm <- function(x) 7.5*dchisq(4*(x-.5), 6)

The x axis is hours and the y axis is scaled so that 1 = a capsule of dried Pm mushroom powder.


plot(function(x) pm(x), 0,6, xlab="hours",ylab="capsules")

Using this function, you can estimate the effect of multiple capsules taken at different times. For example, suppose you take 2 at 10am, 1 at 10:45am, 1 at 11:15am, and 1 at 11:45am. If you space out 5 capsules like this then the peak is only about 3.5 capsules worth at 1pm:


plot(function(x) 2*pm(x) + pm(x-.75) + pm(x-1.25) + pm(x-1.75), 0,7, xlab="hours",ylab="capsules")

For background, see Psilomethoxin, My Case Report.