Psilomethoxin, My Case Report (Addendum #1)

Psilomethoxin, My Case Report (Addendum #1)

September 3, 2023
psychedelics, science

I have had IFS sessions with one client on multiple occasions with a self-administered psycholytic dose of psilomethoxin (Pm). In addition, I have shared Pm with five people Z, M, W, K1, and K2. What surprised me most from this exploration is that Pm seems to have a built-in exit valve. Or from the opposite point of view, the user only experiences the effects of Pm when focused inside. If you focus outside then you can completely miss the effects. For traditional psychedelics, an exit valve is an aspiration.1 For Pm, it seems already built-in!

Pm will not do anything without your consent. Pm respects your choice.

That is not to say that Pm has no inherent risk for anybody. This is just a small step toward characterizing its risk.

For background, see Psilomethoxin, My Case Report.

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